
Monday, August 23, 2010

Candy Dots

I am in full playroom makeover mode. I have been searching online for cute candyland ideas, and found this:It is a Candy Dot bench which can be purchased from here for a mere $1200. Let me grab my checkbook. Yeah right!
One thing that bench is missing is the green dots. I love how the color blend together. $1,200 is a bit much, but it sure did inspire me:
First gather supplies. Loved the paint colors, but it would have taken so many coats and minutes to paint each ball, so I scratched that idea and went with spray paint.
After a good 3 hours, I was FINALLY done! Exhausting making 63 halves!!
I made this for the original bird room... all I needed to do was scrape off the paint...
Ok, so scraping didn't fully get off all the paint...
I grabbed my nail polish remover, and it almost did the trick...
I then ran to my paint box and luckily I had a perfect match for the white!!!
I officially love spray paint. It would have taken me FOREVER to paint all 63 dots!! This took no longer than 5 minutes to paint. I'd say it probably took like only 3 minutes really. Since it was spray paint, I couldn't get the EXACT colors I wanted, but I think the end result still turned out nicely...
TADA!!! I'm in love.
It turned out so much better than I expected! :)
EEK! Makes me so happy! :)
I wasn't sure I could do the famous Candy Dot blended look, but I think I pulled it off quite nicely if I do say so myself! :)

This project took me about 5 hours, 4.5 of it was prep work.

If I didn't have to get rid of the birds it would have saved me and hour and a half. So it takes about 3 hours to cut all the styrofoam balls.

Total cost:

$25 for styrofoam balls
$14 for spray paint
$50 at Target for the cube storage, (I am going off memory, I believe that is what they cost).

***please excuse the mess in the playroom, I am reorganizing, repainting, and redecorating. It will be disheveled for awhile.***


  1. good job saving all that dough! you did a great job!

  2. I actually like your version a lot better!!

    Um...and can I call upon your expertise when we get there? I have gotten rid of most of my furniture to fit into our currently tiny apartment. And will probably get rid of more so we don't have to move it. In which case I'm going to have a practically empty house and a thrift store budget to fill it with!

    Plus, it will give us a fantastic excuse to hang out!

  3. Awesome! I'm always looking for new projects around the house! :) Sorry not trying to creep... saw a link to your blog on your hubby's FB! :) I sent you a request today, I love your blog, it's so positive! :)
    -Natalie K
