
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cardboard Cross

I need your votes please! You can either vote on the left, leave me a comment here, or comment on my facebook.

If we get to, what should we name our little girl??

Caroline Marie Keierleber


Ann Marie Paulie Keierleber

{first name Ann Marie- Ann Marie Paulie is the full name of my character in my book. See yesterday's post for my dilemma regarding her name}


Her full room reveal is still to come, but I wanted to show y'all something I made last night on a whim, (honestly that is how most of my things are made- on a whim)! lol

I wanted a decent sized cross for her room. I was looking for a cute animal print one, and found A FEW on Etsy. No really, only a few. Hmm. Then I decided to give it a go myself. I was going to have Mr. Incredible make it for me out of wood, but I was too impatient, (story of my life)...

Oh yeah. A cross entirely out of cardboard. That means a cross that is FREE! Can't get any better than that!
Last night I completed the top two crosses as seen here. I used paper and sticker/sticker embellishments that I already had- so the total cost so far was still ZERO!!!
I went to Hobby Lobby today, and got the remaining paper needed to decoupage the last cross- spending less than $2!! The rest of the sticker/sticker embellishments were some I already had. This cross turned out pretty cute considering it cost less than $2!! :)
Close up of some of the embellishments. I LOVED this sticker and HAD to include it. Y'all know how I love the names of God!
Only when you look at it from the side can you tell it is all out of cardboard. :)
One wall is complete! {I wish I could move the shelf over a tad bit, but that thing is there to stay- SUCH a pain to hang!!!} On the shelf will go little animal/safari figurines etc. :)

This is so much fun for me- it should be illegal! lol

1 comment:

  1. CUTE CROSS! Here is my idea about the possibility of having two girls...take parts of the name for both girls...instead of anne marie paulie for one, maybe do annabell and Paulie (love the name Paulie!) or Annalyn and Marie Paulie...Idk, just would be cool and would make the book we about both girls!
