
Thursday, August 19, 2010

SWEET Child of Mine

Man, yesterday I shopped till I dropped. Literally. I am still tired! HA! Ok, maybe my migraine last night is what really took it out of me, but whatever. ;)

As I mentioned yesterday, we got news that our agency found a placement for us. We will get to meet the kids at least twice, (like an overnighter), to make sure that they are the best fit for us, vice versa. I will keep you posted when I hear more, (won't be till after Monday though). Please PRAY PRAY PRAY! :)

Ok, you may want to buckle up- I have quite a few pics. BUT I know you will love them all. Not one of them has Mr. Incredible, Bolt or me in them. All decor pics! :)

I made these projects Tuesday, and I was going to post them Wednesday, but seeing as how I left early and got home late, here they are now:
I think this is my favorite picture frame in this room! :)
All three of these frames cost me a total of $6 to make. Pretty good! :)

I made an art project to go on the wall that was blank. All I need to buy for the room is the mommy/baby giraffe print and I am DONE with this room. :) This project was the most expensive thing on the wall that I made, cost around $20! HA!
TIP: always storyboard your idea first to make sure you like it. I rearranged these papers quite a few times before it was perfect.
Completed! I wish that flash wasn't there. It is pretty cute if I do say so myself. ;)

Here are a few closeups of the papers:

So what is a girl to do when her room is complete? START ANOTHER!! {I have not actually started decorating it- I have just bought some of the decor} Ok, I may be crazy, but I was not content with my playroom. I had always been back and forth about a certain theme for the room, and after finding one key component, I dove right in...
You guessed it, the theme is Candyland. Picture this: Keierleber Kids' Candyland. Nice ring to it, huh? {oh, and I will be making a piece of "art" out of this game} :)
Since I was so happy with my uber cheap frames for the safari room, I decided to make some for the new playroom. Click on pic to see them larger. :)
I almost didn't buy this group of stickers, thinking they might not really match. I am so glad I did buy them- this is my fav frame out of the 5 in the room.
This was the key component I was referring to. Look at the sprinkles and gummybear paper. When I saw these papers, I knew I HAD to make this room!!
More paper- chocolate and cookies, yumm yum.
Too cute huh? I am going to get two square canvases to make art out of these.
I saw these at Hobby Lobby FOREVER ago. I always wanted to do this theme, an after I found the above paper, I RAN to HL and hoped hoped hoped they were still there. Well, after two HL runs, this was all they had, (well, see the little lollipop on the bottom- I also got 2 more of those).
I saw this at Hobby Lobby too, and thought it would be perfect for this room if I ever did it. I had forgotten about it, then I saw it and was so excited!!!

I am off to search for some more Candyland ideas, and then to clean a bit. Yep, I have my priorities in order! ;) Tomorrow I will post the full room reveal of the safari room, and a few how to tips. Stay tuned!

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