
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beauty Will Rise

Tomorrow is 4 years since my sister Tracie went to Heaven. I am choosing to start looking at this day as her Homecoming celebration, not her death day anymore.

Because of this anniversary, I really hated October.

First of all, I was no fan of fall. The colors, the temperature, everything is dying, etc. I don't like Halloween and I loathe Thanksgiving food. Fall is just not friend. Or, wasn't my friend. :) Her accident happening in October, obviously made me hate the season more. Now though, 4 years later, I can sing a new song this time of year.

Last year, we had one of the coldest winters in a long long time. I usually hate the cold. I loved every minute of it last year. So much so that I have been looking forward to fall. I have been looking forward to fall to decorate my house. I have been looking forward to fall to have my babies home with me. :)

Tomorrow is her Homecoming day, but it is also 4 1/2 years since Mr. Incredible and I met online. The next day is 3 1/2 years since we were wed. Yes, I miss my sister dearly, but this is a time to celebrate as well. Celebrate her. Celebrate marriage. Celebrate fall. Celebrate that Spring is Coming. {italicized because I took this from a Steven Curtis Chapman song. It is a figurative spring I am referring to. Italicized lyrics below are also from SCC}

This is a time to dance among the ruins. Praise God when He gives and takes away! Blessed be His name!

Another significant part of this fall is our baby situation. Woody and Buzz's birthdays are in the fall. I had been looking forward to them for quite awhile, and planning them all along. Obviously I don't get to throw those parties. But out of those ashes, beauty rose. Her name is Sweetpea Beauty and before October is over, she will be home with us forever.

As you can see, I have a lot to celebrate this October. While it is fall on the calendar, it is spring in our lives. The night is over and it is morning. I get to revel in the truth of Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. "

Out of these ashes... beauty will rise
and we will dance among the ruins
We will see Him with our own eyes

Out of these ashes...
beauty will rise
For we know, joy is coming in the morning...
in the morning, beauty will rise

1 comment:

  1. I have been occasionally reading your blog, cute by the way ;) I noticed that Sweetpea Beauty has braces on her legs, does she has cerebral palsy? If you aren't comfortable answering I completely understand. I only ask because I am good friends with a family here in Dallas who have a 4 year old little girl with cerebral palsy. They adopted her when she was an infant and have gotten her some fabulous therapy, she is doing so well. They are a great family and Im sure they have some great insight into raising an adopted child with special needs. If you are interested in contacting them please let me know, Iam sure they would love to share their experience with you. Either way good luck! :)
