Here at the Keierleber Casa, we will not be decorating for Christmas till a little later this year. We are having a first birthday extravaganza the first weekend in December, THEN we will decorate for Christmas. BUT that didn't stop me from putting a tree up already:

I got this little guy for the kids' playroom. For the party he will reside in his temporary home of our entryway- then he will live YEAR ROUND in the playroom. :)

My BFF's mom, (my friend who is bedridden), hand made me this awesome scarf. Isn't it gorgeous?! And the model is stinkin' cute too!
I bought the same candy ornaments as you! When I was at Target, I was totally thinking of you and your Candyland playroom. I decorated a small tree in my classroom that a coworker lent me with these ornaments. I also put some of the ornaments on my bulletin board with pictures of cupcakes (with my student's names on them) with "How sweet it is to be loved by God."