
Monday, December 13, 2010

Answered Prayer

{Hey readers, I am enabling anonymous commenting just for this post so you can share love and prayers for Jared and Jess. Because it is anonymous, you do not have to sign in so PLEASE comment below ALL OF YOU! (and sign your name- nobody wants a true anonymous comment). :) Thanks}

God is good and faithful all the time!

We went to Dallas this past weekend to visit Kaitlyn's parents. I was so encouraged by them. They are utterly heartbroken as you can imagine, (well I guess we can't really imagine), but they are at peace with God's will. They are not mad at Him- they just miss their little girl.

I will share some of what they have written on Facebook- not for some cathartic experience but for 2 reasons:

1. This is real. They need your prayers! This is a little window into their pain so you know how to pray for them.

2. In spite of their pain, they are still at peace with God and His decision. What an encouragement and testimony!

from her mommy's facebook status:
"I love you and miss you baby girl. I will never know why but I trust that God has a reason. I can't wait to see you again. You would have been the best big sister in the world. I know you are watching over me, daddy and Caleb. You are now my guardian angel. I love you."

from her daddy's facebook statuses:
"yesterday, our precious little angel left us to be with the Lord. We have already had so many friends and family come to help us out, in ways we couldn't have imagined, and we are all so thankful.

"I feel like the wind has been beaten out of me. I know it's all in the good Lord's timing, but I wanted at least another 90 years of her being around. My precious little baby girl went to heaven to see her heavenly father and to go hug His neck. The night before she passed, we read the Bible, and she could say "Jesus" and point to him in the manger. She was just ready to see Him face to face.

"Thank you everyone for the prayers. I cannot begin to really describe this experience, but I'll just say that I hope no one has to experience the gut-wrenching pain that we have already been through. I know prayers have been, and are still being lifted for the peace that surpasses all human understanding to guard our hearts and minds. Each day we both feel a little stronger, but miles and miles from where we were.

"Thank you everyone for the prayers. I am so thankful for the family and friends that have helped us along so far, you are all such a blessing at such a needed time. This is going to be a long journey, and we will walk this one together, hand in hand with God. We know our little angel is praising Him right now in paradise.

I wish we could be there today and tomorrow for the viewing and funeral, but sadly we cannot be.

In regards to the viewing today- her daddy's status:

"Today is the last day that I get to see the face of my little angel until our sweet sweet reunion up above. I couldn't do it without my dear Lord, my family and friends. I love and cherish everyone of you. This is just a reminder that our time here is short and not known, so make the most of every moment.
This is a great picture because it shows what she is doing now- lifting up her arms to her Father in Heaven to praise Him.
I know the common thing to say about kids is how beautiful they are, but I think you will agree that when it is said of Kaitlyn it is not out of kindness or lip service- it is the truth. She IS so beautiful!

Jared and Jess, words will never to justice to how I feel for y'all right now.

I truly am encouraged by y'all at this time. Jess said how Kaitlyn wasn't truly y'all's but God's. That is something that I may not have mentioned with your pain so fresh, but I am so thankful that y'all understand that!

I hate that this happened. God does too. Even though He is in control of it all, He would rather this not happen. We know this is a result of the fall, and one day we will all get to be together in Perfection where there is no more pain and no more tears. Kaitlyn is already there. ♥

You have our hearts, thoughts and prayers. As I said before we left- call us anytime and we will come stay with y'all on those days when the house is a little too quiet. Or y'all are always welcome here to get away from it all. PLEASE do not hesitate to take me up on this offer!!

We both regret that we never met her on this earth, but we look forward to the day that we will get to see her in Heaven.

We love y'all!

Kaitlyn's Obituary


  1. my heart breaks for them! but please relay the message to them that they have AMAZING faith! i could never be as strong as there are, and i don't even have my own children yet. but thinking into the future about them, i cannot imagine losing them! i will begin praying for them, esp for the mom and her unborn baby boy! their little girl is praising Jesus.. and what could be better than that!

    Hannah G

  2. Hey, my name is John. I read a lot of blogs on religion and prayer and I've i feel like I've ended up here once before. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this prayer exchange website I thought it was an interesting idea and would be curious to hear what you (or other christians) think about it

    I'll check back here in the next day or two, thanks & God bless
    John W.

  3. John- I am not a fan of the prayer site. I do not like how you have to pray for prayers, or that you can get paid for praying for others.

    The idea in its pure form is pretty cool- a site for prayers- but that is all I care for about it.

    Sorry! Cinderella
