
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Candy ONEderland

I am FINALLY posting about Sweetpea's birhtday party, 17 days later. Below are pictures taken by my camera and my firend, Stacy's, camera. She selflessly took tons of pics- acting as the photog for the day. What a priceless gift- thanks Stace!

Before we get to the pics, I have two highlights to share:

1. While opening presents, my mom told the kids that if they stayed on the rug that, "Mrs. Tricia has a present for you." {the party favor} Little E, (pictured below), kept looking at me saying, "Mrs. Tricia, you keep giving the baby all the presents." Yeah, ok, whatever. lol After a few repeats of this she says to me, "Mrs. Tricia, you keep giving the baby all the presents. Your mom said you would give us a present." OH!!! She thought my mom meant that I would give them one of Sweetpea's presents. Needless to say I was quite tickled.

2. My stepdad would move the presents into the hallway while we were opening them and little Abigail asked, "Whys that man taking all Annie's presents?" lol

Without futher adieu, I give you the Candy ONEderland:

I didn't have all her pics to do her 12 months growth chart, so I improvised and did her many faces- because you may have not noticed, but she has a 'tude! :)
She cried her whole first birthday photoshoot with traci-marie photography- I made lemonade people. ;)
The party favors, "candies" with candy in them. :)

I had planned a 4 tier wedding cake design with candy as the decor. Well, I used white cake which is much to fluffy and after breaking a few layers I settled for this:

{not what I had in mind for her cake, but it fit the theme so I'll take it as a W}

Some more details:

My grandma adopted my dad and my aunt, (pictured below). Talk about a legacy of love! :) See also 4 generations: My grandma, my mom, me and Sweetpea. :)

Sweetpea and some of her guests:
Above: Isn't this a great pic of them? Below: Some Fun Friends!

Cake time! Mommy totally got choked up!
She cried the whole time and could not have cared less about her cake. Notice little E- she sat on my lap. :)

Present Time! She even got Sweetpea Beauty dishes!!

1 comment:

  1. It looked like a "SWEET" & yummy party! You did a great job!
