
Monday, December 27, 2010

Mini Photoshoot Monday

A mini photoshoot
I loved this sweater from Babies R Us. I just love all the colors.
Sweetpea showing off... she will walk one day! :)

A little out of focus because I was using natural light- and that is not the easiest with a moving child. She just looked so beautiful in that light!

Ms. Beauty and I spent today shopping where Mommy got to spend some of her Christmas money.
I got the pink and gold glitter Toms. Can you tell I wear my black ones? lol
How perfect is this for the playroom?!

I also bought a new flash for my camera, but it didn't do much so I will be returning it. I may bite the bullet and but the more expensive one- IF it makes a difference it the shot- we shall see.

Happy last week of 2010!!! eesh.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, she is cute here, but that Christmas picture post?!! Oh wow that outfit put her off the charts adorable!!!!!!

    I loved your explanation of what you did on Christmas. We started the day singing happy birthday to Jesus and praying while we celebrated by our Nativity, but even then I felt like we should do more as Bear gets older and understands more. The zoo idea on the 24th is spectacular- not so do able for me here as there's no zoo in sight, but definitely something I plan to remember!!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you all!!!!! TJ
