
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great Minds Think Alike

Last week I got some awesome nail polish and planned to blog about it. Yesterday my friend, Meredith, announced she as hosting a Polish Swap. Perfect timing! Click here to play along! You do not have to be a blogger to play along! :)

I began collecting nail polishes in June when I discovered Mr. Incredible liked nail polish on me. I have every color in the rainbow and then some. :) Most of my polishes cost about $1.99.

For Christmas, my cousin got this really pretty gold glitter polish from OPI, and I was smitten. Since I had collected a good amount, I was ok with spending a little more on the really pretty polish. Well, I drove all around and could not find it. BUT at CVS, I discovered a really awesome brand: Milani. It had a gold glitter and and a charcoal glitter that I bought instead of the OPI. They were right under $5 a piece.
Isn't it awesome! I could not stop looking at my hands!!
This polish was not only really pretty, but stayed on well too. Here it is a week after putting it on, and when I put it on I didn't file first. Not to mention that everyday, (sometimes twice in one day), I take a scalding hot bath which is not exactly easy on polish. This stuff is great! :)

There are a few more colors I want from Milani. Click here to see Gems, Gold, and Silver. This polish can be purchased at CVS, (I also saw it today at Walgreens, but it didn't have my colors I wanted). Gems is similar to a polish shown below, but different enough I want to try it, (also it takes a few coats to look nice, so I probably will run out sooner than later).

On her blog, Meredith had shown a nail polish called Happy Birthday. It was really cool, but really expensive. When I was at Walgreens today, I found a comparable polish for only $1.99!!! While there I also found my new favorite brand: Sinful Colors. Huge selection, fun colors and glitters, and $1.99!!! I about fell over, and I had to check the price a few times!!
The Sinful Colors is on the left. Today I also bought a green glitter, purple glitter, silver glitter, and blue glitter polish. (I need a red and pink glitter polish next- or orange, yellow, I think you get the idea- I LOVE glitter).

I have never, ever worn black nail polish, but I have to admit, it is pretty... and yes, I painted my nails in bed today- gotta heal that disc!
I had just finished, so forgive the mess ups- I am about to get into the scalding hot bath where they will all disappear. :) Considering Happy Birthday cost $18 and this cost $2- I think it looks pretty darn good! :)

To whomever I am partnered with on the swap: As seen above I LOVE glitters, and you can see from my collection that I have a wide variety. If you can't find the colors I requested- never fear and just surprise me! :) You can never go wrong with Milani and Sinful Colors! :) This will be fun!! :)

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