She has grown so much since her Gotcha Day in October. Yes, I know babies are supposed to grow, but she is really making leaps and bounds over here and I am bursting with pride and joy- at the littlest things. :)

Last night she fed herself for the first time. :)

Silly girl

Do you mind, Mama?

How I found her this morning. How she moved, I have no idea- point is though- SHE MOVED! She won't be immobile much longer. :)

Freshly washed hair- have I mentioned how much I love her hair?! :)

Isn't she lovely?

Yes, Mama, I know I am lovely and I know I have awesome hair! :)

No, seriously, we get the picture, you can stop photographing me now.

He loves her. Her toleration for him has turned into curiosity- soon to be love. :)

I foresee no mischief between these two. Nope, zero mischievousness. Mama's in denial. ;)
Those eyes she does, cracks me up every time!