
Sunday, January 30, 2011

parting is such sweet sorrow...

On my website, you will see that I also do event photography. Our beloved worship pastor is moving to a church in San Antonio. We hate to see him and his family go, but 1. we know God has big plans for them, and 2. we know that since we are brothers and sisters in Christ, goodbye is never forever. :) We will miss y'all greatly! Mama D asked me to get pics of the kids' school friend going away party.
I got pics of them with their friends for their scrapbook.
E playing Musical chairs. Man that sun showed up bright in this shot!
H going into the kill in capture the flag. :)
QB H considering his throw...
I think he was happy with his throw. :)

I took many more pics of the kids, but I will spare you all of them... there are many just like the ones above. :)

And of course I was the constant professional and I absolutely did not bring my husband and baby along. Nope, I would never do that. ;)
Mama, did you say party!?!
Her shoe fairy, (aka her awesome former foster mom), has bought her two pairs of shoes lately just because- here are the newest ones.
As I said, I was a complete professional and did not once take advantage of the great lighting... nope not even once...
Her first time swinging at a park... wasn't so sure at first
Love this shot!

So sweet. Lighting is a lil weird. I am in the process of editing this and a few others... will post tomorrow. :)

Hey Mama!

Oh I love them so!!

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