
Friday, January 14, 2011

Sporadic Blogger Award 2011

I promise I am not vying for the Sporadic Blogger Award this year.

Since we got our smart phone, I have barely turned on my computer. Also, I have not been feeling 100%

My bulged disc is bulging. Also, when I was 13 I was diagnosed with Blepharospasm. I used to have to get Botox to control it, (side note: Botox was the most painful thing ever, so don't try it. awful!) Anway, a few years back I got off of all medications, including Botox. I learned to control it cognitively- I learned that as long as I got enough sleep, I could keep the spasms at bay. Well, I haven't been getting enough sleep, (not Sweetpea's fault- we just hooked up a TV in our room and we stay up way too late, oops). I desperately need to just stop life for like two days and sleep and I can end this flare up. Mr. Incredible said, "then do it." Well Babe, when do you suggest I sleep in bed for two days?? ;)

So, sorry for my sporadic blogs.

Today I got to hang out with a friend from Middle/High school, and I had a blast! I hope I didn't overstay my welcome Rebecca, and I hope to do it again soon! {I enjoyed seeing her brother David, and I was hoping to catch her sister Michelle- maybe next time Mishey? Lizzie may call you Shell Shell but I will forever remember you as Mishey. However you spell that lol}

Now a little catch up on pics:
Sweetpea at Church
People, (mostly men), comment about the satellite dish on her head. I happen to love it!!
She is getting so strong and will be scooting any day! {Monday she rolled over all by herself. I couldn't be more proud of my miracle baby!}
Why oh why is this out of focus? It probably would have been one of my favorites!! Still love it though!
Look at that hair!! It never sticks out of the sides like that, (don't know why it did that actually lol). I think her hair thought, "if her face gets that much personality, I want some personality too!!" ;) Ok, I'm off to smooch those lips!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord that he has blessed this little sweetpea with Jesus-loving parents who loves her like she is and celebrates each milestones no matter when she reaches them. You are a gift to her!
