
Monday, January 24, 2011

The Sun'll Come Out...

{hopefully} Tomorrow. According to my phone app at least. ;) We shall see if the weather men got it right. lol {can you tell I am watching Annie right now? lol}

It has been a little dreary here at the Keierleber Castle too. {Castle does not mean that we live in a mansion- it just goes well with our last name and our theme of characters. :)}

I don't want to say we are enduring a storm, but pretty close. I have not been feeling too well since October. Once I am healed or feeling better, something else pops up. My house still is not where I want it to be, but in order to fully heal I need to just veg out for awhile. My most recent issue is my bulged disc. It hit an all time bad on Thursday. I know that is not proper grammar, but I think you get it. lol My leg hurt so bad I almost cried, (I have a pretty high threshold of pain, not once have I been on meds for my bulged disc or when I pulled my back muscle). Luckily, Sweetpea sees a physical therapist and earlier that day I asked her questions about my back. I am so thankful she answered my questions, for had she not I would have gone to the ER Thursday night. It hurt that bad. Now you see why it is imperative that I veg out for awhile.

What else is casting shadows? Mr. Incredible had to work massive over time last week- like he worked Saturday and Sunday as well. He went in at 9AM Sunday and did not get off till 8PM. Thankfully it seems to have calmed down so we will have him home with us as usual. We sure missed our Hero. :)

I promise I am not complaining- just sharing what is going on here. I know the Lord has blessed us and I also know from experience that it can always be worse.

Monday was Kaitlyn's 2nd birthday. As you can imagine, it was a very hard day for her mommy and daddy. Please continue praying for them!
On her daddy's facebook, he posted this picture with this caption: "She wore this for her Halloween costume. She loved Minnie and you can see her stick out her chest as she boast, "I'm Minnie". She would have worn this all day today. We miss our Little Princess!"

Join me in praying for them!!

On Saturday we went shopping with my mom, aunt, sister, and my sister's friends.
She brings me so much joy! See why it is hard to be sad right now. :)
I know you can't tell because this is not a video but she is dancing. lol
Not the best pic of either of us. She has decided to not like the self timer. It was most definitely a fake, I'm gonna get my way, defiant cry. Turkey. Mommy will always get her way, not you. ;)
Look at the size of that egg! I think I need to buy one for photo shoots. :) From Hobby Lobby of course. :)

My sister Taylor, "Auntay," carried Sweetpea around while shopping. For bonding time, and to save my back. Thanks Auntay!

We went to Harwin, and Sweetpea's grandma spoiled her. So what else is new? ;)
These are hair clips. How awesome are they?!?! I saw these like a year ago and wanted to buy them- but didn't know if I were to have a daughter one day. Needless to say I was beyond giddy when I saw they were still there!! They were out of Sleeping Beauty- I NEED her!! ;)
Here are some non- princess hair clips. LOVE them all!!
A few more "satellite dishes." ;)
She also got a few more headbands and hats, like this one with the silver flower. :)
We found this box of flower hair clips. I have a few duplicates obviously, so holla at me if you would like some. :)
My aunt found me this starfish necklace. I love it! I love my silver one, but I would like a gold one too. :)

Today we wore our matching Boston tshirts...
And our matching pink sparkle shoes. :)
We really would rather be in Boston. :) It is 12 degrees and snowing. I don't think I can handle 12 degrees, but I would LOVE some snow right now! :)

Here is a video to show off Sweetpea's personality. It is usually so hard to catch it on film, but she was having fun on Saturday. The reason I grabbed the camera was because I said, "baby, baby, baby, ohh," and she replied, "be-be, be-be, be-be." I about fell over! I tried to get her to do it again to no avail. So, forgive me saying that in the video- I promise what you hear is NOT my singing voice. :)


No, really, please do. This video took at least 3 hours to load! {not exaggerating!}


  1. Ok, clearly we shop at the same bow store on Harwin. We got like a dozen or more today including, strawberries, an octopuss, cupcake, butterfly, giraffe, the baseball one you got (different color)...and IDK, there were so many, we went way overboard, but they are the cutest!!!!
