
Thursday, February 10, 2011

catorce meses

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!

Shutterfly is having 50% off 12X12 photobooks right now! They are not paying me to tell you this- I am telling you this because when they go on sale, you have to get them- too good to pass up!

Mr. Incredible's parents sent us some dresses for Sweetpea and wanted to see pics of her in them. Since Shutterfly is doing this deal, (oh and free shipping!), I wanted to get some updated pics of her. {not all outfits below are from them}

I woke up this morning with the idea of setting up the "studio" to get some nicer shots. Fun morning, hard on my back. You win, you lose.

Something I didn't realize till we were done with the photoshoot- today Sweetpea is exactly 14 months old! Perfect timing! I love how God LITERALLY holds the whole world in His hands, and yet He cares enough to make sure I get her pics on this day. {Since the weather has been blah and so have I, I have not taken as many pics of Sweetpea as I usually do}.

I drug out all of the farbic and her outfits, and got to work, (and work is not an exaggeration, I assure you).

This first outfit is her rodeo outfit. I wasn't gonna show it till she wore it, but I can't help myself.

What is this on my head?
Howdy Partner!
I couldn't have posed this if I tried- how perfect is this?!
You would think she would hate this outfit- the boots, the hat- but this is her fav!
How cute are these?!

Next up, Daisy dress on burlap. I LOVE burlap!
Smiles. :)
Oh, we're back to raspberries.
I need a daisy headband, stat!

Usually I wouldn't combine a pink outfit with a red background because it would be valentiney, BUT since it is 4 days till V-day...
My mom got this outfit for her for Christmas. :)
There's that tongue again!
I love her eyes here... such an adult look, ya know? lol

Who knew she could be hilarious and terrifying all at the same time!? lol {Doesn't she remind you of that lady from Ripley's that bulged out her eyes?} :)

I need a white background, a cream background and a black background, (I have a black burlap, but it wouldn't work with these). So, I had to settle with the dark brown background for all of these next shots.
What is she 8 here? That Mona Lisa smile, and the way she posed her hands. Sheesh.
Now she looks more like her age. :) This may be her adoption dress BTW. :)
She discovered I was behind the camera :)
Yes, she had been crying...
What did I tell ya? She was hungry, so we took a break
This dress came with her from the foster home- isn't is so pretty!?

Yes, every photoshoot she has shots with "her eyes." She knows it is a crowd pleaser. :)


  1. These pics are amazing!!! You are so talented and you've got quite the beauty to photograph! =) I love the journey yall have been chosen to take and i'm so glad everything has come into place for yall!!! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Cute outfits! I love the red dress!
