
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Humbled and Blessed

I have stolen away to a computer here at the hospital because this post is that necessary to be written.

You know how I reference Romans 8:28 all the time? Well there is a reason I do.

It says that "God causes all things to work together for good to them that love God and those who are called according to His purposes."

A few days ago I was sick over abortion. I had seen many references to it on the web, and it hit an all time high.

I saw an article where a mom found out her baby in her womb would have a disability, possibly Spina Bifida, so she decided to abort (at 20 weeks). Sweetpea has SB, so this made me absolutely sick. I won't say more on this subject cause this is not my purpose in this post, but it amazes me that I chose my daughter in spite of her disability and yet others would choose to abort her. Sad. Sad. Sad.

Well, the very next day, (after having trouble sleeping the night before because of all I had read), I received a wonderful gift from a friend.

It was a book called, "Just the way I am, God's Good design in disability."

It was not only a wonderful gift for my daughter, but it was a truly a hug from God. The timing was perfect and the message was powerful.

Today I was quite angry with the hospital nurses for the missed communication about Sweetpea's fever, and other things they truly messed up.

Then I got the phone call I have been waiting on. Nemo is getting termination in March and then....

MOVING IN WITH US!! We are getting to adopt our son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now this is subject to change and is not 100% set in stone, (but it pretty much is). Please pray that all goes according to plan.

I feel like it is real this time since it happened today. Like I said, I was so upset and angry, and then God chooses to give me one of the biggest desires of my heart the same day. No coincidence there. :)

Sweetpea's surgery is scheduled for Monday morning around 9.

Please pray over BOTH of our babies!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL YET PRAISE YOU FOR ALL THE GOOD AND BAD!!!!

{sorry this is all over the place. been in the hospital since Sunday with my baby- little sleep and high stress. I feel all of your prayers though. I am not happy through this and yet I feel God is still loving me and blessing me throughout it all}

1 comment:

  1. Dear Friend, I praise the Lord that the book was right on time. I've been wanting to send you one for awhile but never got around to it. Then it was really on my heart & I was led to send it for such a time as this. I pray God's hand of protection on your babies. May the Lord give wisdom to the doctors on Monday and quick recovery for your sweet baby girl. In Jesus Name, Amen!
