
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Surgery Tomorrow

Sweetpea's cyst (that I never knew existed) has about tripled in size since March.

I lied to a few of you-accidently of course. I said this wasn't going to be too invasive. Well they are not doing a full craniotimy- not planing to at least- but we're still talking brain surgery. They will cut open her head and through her skull into her brain. There they will insert an endoscope to find and drain the cyst. Of course a full craniotimy is still on the table if need be-praying it won't be necessary.

When we found out about the cyst and surgery I was pretty calm since I assumed it was correlative with her sb stuff. I was wrong. It is completely separate and this knowledge does not comfort me. Just imagine finding there is a cyst on your baby's brain that will require surgery.

Today she spiked a 102.5 fever. She was put on tylenol and it went down. Praise God we were in the hospital cause that is a sign of infection.

Needless to say I am having trouble sleeping tonight. I'm not really worried, but the second I close my eyes my heart races.

Thanks for all your prayers and I'll update tomorrow. Surgery is hopefully at 9 am.

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