
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scout's Honor

Y'all I promise I am not a slacker. My computer may or may not have a virus. It needs to see the dr to be sure. I am not about to upload pics to it if it is indeed sick, so that is why I have been lacking posts.

Hopefully it will get looked at soon so I can get back to blogging.

Last week Sweetpea learned how to say she was one with her finger. Now if I say the word one, she holds up her finger automatically. She immediately said Na na when I asked if she liked her banana, and last night she said boom, boom, as in the song, Firework, {boom, boom, boom, even brighter than the moon, moon, moon}.

Mr. Incredible always asks me when she will start really talking. Seriously, any day now. :)

I have a bajillion pictures to post on here. In due time.

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