
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wicked Cute

I was surfing etsy for Boston themed stuff just because I miss the town so much. Seriously, I'd move there tomorrow.

I found a lot of items that were pretty cute and one in particular that I really liked.

SO cute! And, of course I love the little birdie. It can be purchased here. While I love it, it costs $49. Mr. Incredible said I could get it, but I wanted to take a swing at it myself first.

Today I ran to Michael's, (gasp, not Hobby Lobby! I know- crazy!), and I found a comparable locket and chain for a whopping $8! Total.

I lost the white lace. I liked the idea, but it kinda looked like the tag was left on it or something. Also, I had planned on covering up the fake clock, but since we went to Boston on our THIRD anniversary, I figured it would be a cute memorial. :)
My Modge Podge is still wet, so getting a pic sans glare was really hard. This will have to do. {the one on etsy looks a million times better simply because she caught a better pic... mine looks nice in person, I promise}

Oh, and I think I will be adding some bling... hmm, we'll see... it needs a lil somethin', somethin'.
Fenway Park on the front, Fenway Park on the inside. :)
I liked the length... please ignore my tshirt. I know, I am so stylish I could be the next Rachel Zoe. {Ok, you can stop laughing at me know}
With the other part of my map I made this picture frame for our bedroom. Yes, I still plan a Boston theme. Now that my back is pretty much healed it is on my list of to-dos.

Total Cost of necklace: $8 + cost of map...
Total Cost of frame: $1 + cost of map...
Map was right under $3. So, both projects cost about $12... not to mention I have map left over for future projects.

A necklace costing a little more than $8 beats $49 any day... even if her necklace is prettier than mine. ;)

1 comment:

  1. oooo ooo oooooh!! You know I love this post, right??!!! So the etsy locket is adorable, but I'm right there with you trying to DIY. I think your version came out wonderful and don't you have that good feeling of "I did it!" coupled with the happiness in knowing you were able to personalize it to your own Boston memories? Way to go :)

    Saw that baby girl is working on her teeth- good luck little gal, keep on being happy while they come in!!
