
Monday, April 25, 2011

April Showers

Showers of pictures that is!

Before I post about last weekend, I will post about the beginning of this month. After the Easter post, I will be officially caught up! Yea!

April 7, 2011- celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary...
Our favors at our wedding had lobsters on them. Mr. Incredible and I are lobsters. {ten points if you get this 90's tv show refrence}

The weekend of our anniversary was spent hanging out at home, (since I opted for the Cricut instead of a local vacay). Here is Sweetpea having a BLAST swinging...

She learned "wheee."
Trying a heel stretch ;)

Last weekend we were in Dallas visiting Mr. Incredible's family...

This picture cracks me up... just imagine her saying, "well you know mother I have found that the square root of..."

Hanging out with grandma

We took Sweetpea to an awesome park that we found a few years ago...

Mr. Incredible having some fun with his little girl :)
He missed the Bermuda grass so much. He asked me to do the same. I'm good, thanks.
Have you ever seen a cuter strawberry... her bathing suit matches her hat :)
Hanging with grandpa

I couldn't zoom out quick enough on these next two which truly is a crying shame...

On the way home we stopped to take a few bluebonnet pics...


  1. Cute pics! Kalia has that same stawberry outfit from Gymboree! :-)

  2. FREINDS!!!

    "She's your lobster"- Pheobe

    LOVE that show! :-)
