
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Springtime in Texas

I have been counting down until bluebonnet season! In the area I live in, bluebonnets are a rare commodity. In 2008 a photographer I used to work for took pictures in a local park that had bluebonnets. Say what!? So, in 2009 I had him take some for us. Click here to see those pics. Ever since, said park has been my little secret.

Well, another photog friend of mine was asking if anyone knew any local places, so I shared my spot with her. I did my mini session today- her's is tomorrow. Perfect timing! Today I was there for an hour and a man was there from 9am-6pm to do sessions!!! He wasn't the nicest, but we got there at the same time so we shared, (which was a little nerve racking to say the least). A few from my group and I then caravaned to a local neighborhood for a few more shots.

I am not posting any of the families, (except for 2 shots with some of the kiddos in them with Sweetpea and me). Once the families pick their fav shots, then I might share them on here- with their permission of course. :)

Ok, which group shot do you like better:
This one...
or this one? Please help me decide which one to frame. :)
Framing for sure :)

If you have been reading long, you will recognize these 4 above girls. They have appeared on this blog quite often- particularly in 2009. :) I just love them!

Now here are the shots from the neighborhood we caravaned to:
I'm not usually a big fan of rose bushes, but come on! They look great in pics!
Is this not the funniest thing you have ever seen!?

LOVE this one!!
She discovered her tongue a few weeks ago and loves to do this. :)

There is that tongue again- love it!


  1. Tricia,
    You are TRULY a talented photographer! I LOVE these pics, especially the ones of Sweet Pea by herself and with Jersey! SO CUTE!

  2. love, love, love that we got to do this photo shoot before leaving for hungary! I can't wait to see the rest. The pics of annie on the steps with flowers - you gotta enter that into a cute kid photo contest!

  3. Your family photos look Great! ANd thanks for sharing your spot with me! I appreciate it! Hope the "mean" man isn't there tomorrow! lol

  4. She is a gem! I say family shot #2 is my vote.

  5. I like the 2nd family shot the best! I absolutely love the pics of Annie on the steps.
