
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Multi-Purpose March

Well, I was able to separate the pictures into March and April, so today I will post the remainder of my March pics, (obviously not all of them lol).

Ahh! Look at that smile!!
When we were decorating my mom's room, my mom also spoiled Sweetpea with sooo many beautiful outfits. Here is one of them...
This dress came with her from the foster home, and I love it...

Hydreangas and Princesses- can you see why I am in love? :)

Mr. Incredible likes to do pull ups at the park, so we take advantage of the swings:
Sumo wrestler? Bolt loves to swing!
Sweetpea got a turn too!
She was not happy that I put her on the slide...
Look at that lip...
Yeah, I knew you'd like it, you stinker! ;)
Man, it feels good to catch up! lol I will be posting pics from her hospital stay, random phone pics, and will play catch up for April- hopefully before April is over, so we can start fresh in May. :)

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