
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Time Turner Tuesday

I have a new folder on my computer called March/April. I had to combine them because my memory of the end of March and the beginning of April is blurred. I normally upload them all into their own month folders, but since my other computer is under the weather, I am biting the bullet and just making a new folder on my computer that does work.

Over the next few days, unless otherwise noted, I will be posting from the past, (well the past month! lol).

Here is a fun post about decor. My mom got her room redone, (tile, new bathroom etc), so she wanted a new look as well. We went to Hobby Lobby three different times and ended up with this... {since then we added a few more things and added pics to the frames}

My first real shot at a collage. I was a little nervous, but I think it turned out great, if I do say so myself! Since then we added sepia toned photos in the frames and it looks even better!

I am in love with these, you should see them in person.
Ok, so I didn't get a full room shot yet. We were still not finished when I took these pics.

If you would be interested in me helping you decorate, check out my portfolio and prices here. :)

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