
Monday, May 9, 2011

Mamas and Babies

Before I get to Mother's Day, here is a pic of Sweetpea and me at our church's mother/daughter event a few weeks ago. :)

This Mother's Day was extra special for me... not only because I had my sweetpea with me, but also because we got to dedicate her to the Lord! This was a very important day for us. This day ranks right up there with her Gotcha Day and her Adoption Day. :)
Thanks Jackie for taking pics for us- this is one of my favs!! :)
Pastor Brent explaining the adoption and how far Sweetpea has come! :) My BFF said there were plenty of tears here :)
Asking us if it is our desire to raise her in a home where she will hear/see the Gospel and that she come to know Him at an early age. Oh yes Lord!!!
Terrible of me, but look at Sweetpea- she cries if other cameras take her pic, but she spotted mine out in the crowd. TUR-KEY!

No matter how fat or skinny I am, I have and will always have a double chin issue... obviously since I am praying over her it looks even bigger. Please focus on the sweetness of the pic, the importance of the prayer, and ignore my many chins. :)

I had to get a pic with my BFF- this is the one and only pic of us with Nathan in her tummy- I had to get a shot before he came! {well, now that I think of it, he was in her tummy at my shower, but he was itty bitty and we didn't know he was Nathan} :)

Please pray for her- he should have already been here! Hopefully soon we will get to swoon over pics of him on this blog. Prayers appreciated for a safe, easy delivery and healthy baby!

Ok, bad friend news. Another dear friend of mine is pregnant and I have not announced it here on this blog. At first it was good I waited because she was able to share the news herself as opposed to them hearing about it on this blog. But time has passed and she still has not been celebrated on here! I'm such a bad friend! She is having a boy and is due in August! I cannot wait!! Her hubs was out of town for mother's day, so we took her out to celebrate her first mother's day! :)
Did you know you could feed the giraffes at the zoo? :)
I had to crop the above pic to show this... I look goofy, but look at Sweetpea and the giraffe. :)
Mama Brooke and us. :)
Crazy Mr. Incredible. :)
Mama Brooke and the stork. :) Couldn't resist, (even though it is an ugly bird lol). She didn't know her face was in the pic, but I think she looks beautiful as always. :)
Later that evening we stopped by Nathan's house to visit his mama. :) Next Mother's day all three of us will be holding our babies! :)


  1. Beautiful pics! Had me missing CCBC even more! We had Kalia dedicated on Mothers Day as well. I'll post pics soon!

  2. BTW, I left the previous comment not Kempton. He was recently on my computer and was still signed in.:-)
