
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The big 2-1

Today is my brother's 21st birthday! Yesterday we went to Huntsville to celebrate with him. As he said- today he is getting wasted- CHOCOLATE WASTED! {we don't drink in our family, but turning 21 is still cool cause you officially have no more restrictions in life lol}
My brother, sister and my baby :)
My brother and 2 other friend's opened a snowcone stand in March. If you are ever in the Huntsville area, check 'em out!
My sister made him a cake :)
Sitting in a booster like a big girl- just kills me! :) Oh, and she had to sit next to her favorite uncle :)

Kisses for Uncle Nick!

We love you and we are so proud of the man you are becoming! We are thrilled to see what God is doing in your life, and pray for your relationship with Him to continue to grow and flourish!

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