
Thursday, June 2, 2011


We've been very busy lately. I started PT for my back, l've been rearranging the house and we spent the weekend in Dallas. Monday we completed our adoption placement-now we are just waiting for a court date-hopefully by the end of June Sweetpea will officially be a Keierleber! Praise Jesus! I have many posts in the wings with many pics to come. Please enjoy this pic of Sweetpea "helping" me hang her clothes a few weeks ago. ;)
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1 comment:

  1. I know that my impending "move" is coming up too and I hate to think about it- especially now that I finally understand blogger!!!!

    The last pictures of Sweetpea are adorable and they are even sweeter knowing that your adoption process is almost over- yay!!!!

    As for the devestation post- I have no words- my heart is so heavy especially when thinking of the 3 year old- Bear is just about that age. NO words, just prayers.
