
Monday, August 8, 2011


My computer is on the fritz- both of them are. :/ So I am sorry, but you will have to wait a little longer to hear about and see pics of her adoption.

I do however have a few pretty exciting updates. :)

1. I took her to the dr today for her 18 month check up and the Dr was most impressed with her speech and development. Her fine motor skills are really good and her speech is quite advanced! I knew she was smart, but to have a professional confirm, well, that was pretty awesome. :)

2. She (consecutively and without prompting), scooted towards me in the sitting position twice and then proceeded to get on her belly and "Army crawled" towards me for (AT LEAST) six strong pulls! She is mobile y'all!

If my daughter does anything else huge today I might explode!! I heard a fellow blogger/adoptive mom say this, "the only special need a child has is the need of a family." Truer words never spoken! :) People are scared to adopt special needs kids- well look at my really cute, fun, smart baby! Y'all are missing out for sure! :)

Thank You Lord for blessing Sweetpea with a strong brain and personality! :)

Mommy on the other hand is healing...

I have a staph infection and migraines at the same time. Yep, I am struggling a bit. Thankfully I HAD a baby that would lay with me all day no problem. Now she is pushing the pillow off the bed and trying to go after it. Yep, my little stinker is growing up. :)

1 comment:

  1. So precious! Love how she is growing and thriving. So happy for your beautiful family.

    Feel better soon! Rest rest.

