
Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend Away

Do you remember this post from last month about my separation anxiety from Sweetpea? Well this past weekend Mr. Incredible took the plunge.

We were originally going to go to Disney, but Mr. Incredible didn't want to drive that far. So he said we could fly to Boston. Umm, yes!

When as I was booking everything, I noticed we would be flying home from Boston on the 10th anniversary of9/11. Yeah, the two planes in the WTC were from Boston. I was a little nervous to fly that day needless to say. We decided to stay local, and it saved us a bunch of money. Boston will have to wait. :/ I honestly miss that town like it is a person.

We dropped off Sweetpea with her former foster mom on Friday morning. I was prepared for tears on both ends, but Sweetpea and I did very well. Sweetly, Mr. Incredible teared up and admitted he didn't think leaving her would be as hard as it was. I guess since I had been preparing myself for so long it wasn't so hard- also Sweetpea was so happy at her former home- that helped me immensely!

When we picked her up on Sunday her hair was all done up :)
She loves to tear up paper... here she is "cleaning" her mouth with a tiny piece of paper. lol
Happy baby
Crawling towards mommy to play with my camera strap
Sweetpea discovered my usb camera cord
she's in love
good shot of her hair- she looks so much older!
She kept bringing it to her ear- she thinks it a phone? lol
Forget toys- I just need random household items thank you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Love the hair...I need lessons :)
    And thankful you were able to have some time alone together (and to know she was happy/safe while you were away)...
