
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

3 Men and a Little Lady

Last week we had a Pumpkin Patch Playdate. On Sunday I gave a sneak peek of my pics, but here are the rest of the pics from that day. :) The title is very fitting... while the boys are far from being actual men, Sweetpea is the epitome of a LITTLE lady! Just know, she has at least 15 months on all the boys, but is smaller than some, (and I'm sure she'll be passed by the littlest soon!).
Notice Sweetpea and Nathan reaching for each other behind Danny... L♥VE ;)
Nathan Smiles

Nathan and Mommy

You may remember this baby when he was in the womb, but sadly this is his blog debut, (sad because it took me this long to put him on here!).
Meet Wyatt! (Mama, I have 3 versions of this pic, so if you don't like this artwork, never fear). :)

(Mama, I didn't take out your hand- if you want me to I will)! :)

Danny and Nathan, (Danny's mom had her camera so I didn't get many of him).
Someone get this child a sibling- stat! She is READY!
Wyatt and Sweetpea. Considering there is a 21 month age difference between these two, you'd never guess that by looking at them!

Poor Nater Tot, but still so cute! :)


  1. OMG! Love it, Love it, Love it!!!! Thanks Aunt Tricia!

  2. Love the one where she's patting the other little guy's so cute! :)
