
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat Tuesday

I updated a post from a few days ago with real pics, as opposed to phone pics. HERE

Did you notice that I blogged everyday for the month of October? I actually had blogged everyday a few days leading up to that as well, but once I posted on the first, I decided to try to post everyday! I was successful! I hope you enjoyed all the posts, and I promise to try to keep it up as much as possible! :)

We do not celebrate Halloween, but I do not see a problem letting our kids dress up and get candy. So we go Trick or Treating- we do not say the "H" word. :)
We're one "hapbee" family!
October 30, 2010. Our first trip to the pumpkin patch...
A year and a day later- we didn't make it to a patch this year, so this will have to do. :)
Mr. Incredible is such a trooper- he dressed up as well. Oh the things we do for love :)
see- trooper! :)

10.31.10 :)
cutest little bee you ever did see!

SweetBEE and Nana Nell!
Thanks for buying her costume! :)
The Cokes joined us :)
SweetBEE loves her Cokes :)

SweetBEE had a blast! She learned very quickly that she got lots and lots of...

Not the best of mommy, but look at SweetBEE's smile! :)
SweetBEE's first stop. :) She was given a snickers and shocked us all when she opened it all by herself :)

SweetBEE giving Mr. Incredible squeezes and pat pats. :)
Notice the chocolate mouth! :)

I love my beeutiful babee and am so thankful for her! I can't wait for all the years to come! :) Praise Jesus!


  1. So cute! I can't wait till next year because this year was a bust for us :)

  2. Oh my goodness- this is sweetness overload- and not the candy kind ;)!!

    LOVE IT!!

    I also spotted an adorable sweetpea inside a pumpkin over there on your sidebar and is that a red Sox blanket in one of the pictures? ;) Poor poor boys this year :(
