
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We're Moving!


I have lived in the same area my entire life, (lived at my parent's house while I got my degree).

Mr. Incredible and I have been ready to move for some time now, and we have just been waiting on God's will to be clear. We have had opportunities all over America, but last week we traveled to our new home and God made it very clear that this was where He wanted us! So exciting when you get to see God in a clear way!

In a few weeks we will be moving to a small town in West Texas, (which is located by a bigger city).

Sad thing, our calendar is so full, we will not be able to go to our church for our last few Sundays here in town. :( We were excited to have a few Sundays to say goodbye, but it looks like last Sunday was our last day, (we may be able to attend on Jan 1, but we're not sure yet). :(
Welcome to our small town, (this pic is right outside of the town, so I promise its bigger than it appears here!). It is home to about 20,000 people, has many restaurants and a great Walmart, (the only stipulation I had for living in a small town!). 30 minutes away is a larger town that has everything else I need, (and honestly, it takes me 20 minutes to get Hobby Lobby now anyway, so what is 10 more minutes?).
The drive in between the two towns is nothing but wide open space! I LOVE IT!
AND, you will see many of these little Pump Jacks- so cute! :) Totally Texas!

Waiting for our room key in the lobby :) Someone has become a great smiler!
Hanging in the hotel- Sweetpea's first hotel stay! :)
Ready for dinner with our new friends :)
I just love that she smiles now! :)
She stayed up pretty late, but no matter how tired her eyes were...
...she was still having too much fun to sleep!
Tired baby...
silly baby! {I look like a fool- I promise I don't do kissy lips, this was strictly because Sweetpea did it!}
Though she stayed up late, she was still bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning! :)
Wishing Daddy good luck at his interview!
After the interview we went exploring :)

She asked for the camera to take a picture :)

Bolt didn't come with us, but he was there in spirit, and on Sweetpea's outfit! :)
Playing with Daddy on our last night

Sweetpea playing:
Making her baby play with her computer
Feeding her baby :)

Playing with her twin ;)

She gave herself a hug

She was tickling her reflection


  1. So crazy to think it is actually happening!

  2. Congrats on the new move and Sweet Pea is sooooo adorable!

  3. Well, I hope the moving didn't take too long! Once you get past that, it's time to look around and enjoy the surroundings - get accustomed to the new home. It's amazing to finally get your own home. So enjoy it, and turn that place into a "home sweet home"!

    Randy Robinson

  4. Praise the Lord for directing your steps!
