Last night I asked Sweetpea for kisses, and after she gave me a kiss, she decided to ask for kisses. She said, "kisses," and I was so proud! Usually she says "kithes" but last night she was able to say "kisses," loud and clear! She has always been really good at annunciation, but her s's have been a little harder- common for this age.
I was so proud of her, I made her repeat it over and over again.
She then switched to a word that is similar...

This is our pastor's daughter Caryssa. Sweetpea refers to her as "Kissa." Caryssa is a difficult name to say for a 2 year old. :) Sweetpea love Caryssa!
Sweetpea loves to group people. If you say Nana Nell, she'll finish with Nick, Pop, Taylor, Auntay, (Taylor is known as Auntay and Sweetpea has taken to calling her both names). :) Sometimes with this group she includes Paige, (Nick's girlfriend).
After saying Kissa, she followed up with "Byce," (Bryce, Caryssa's brother). She loves them both and commonly says their names randomly.*
She added a new name this time. She rounded out the group with "Freckle." I about fell out of the bed! Caryssa and Bryce's dog's name is Freckles. The last time she saw Freckles was about 2 weeks ago, and she has never been included in Sweetpea's recitation of her friends before.
She is getting so smart to remember not only the name Freckles, but to remember she goes with Caryssa and Bryce! She said "Freckle," but I had her repeat herself and she said "Freckles!" :)
*Sweetpea lists her friends at random times.
Besides my family she'll say:
MaMa and PaPa (Mr. Incredible's parents- she named them herself). :)
Emma, Joy, Gace (Grace), Tina
Leese, AH-leese, Nafen, (my BFF Elise... she usually says Leese, but she is starting to add the E and says AH-leese lol and her son is Nathan).
Book (Brooke), Corey, and Mudge (Mudge is commonly grouped with Jersey). :)
Sell-ka, Sammy, Elwie, (my mom's dogs Angelica, Sammy and Ellie)
What a cutie pie! I miss y'all! I wanted to call you to go to Katy Mills and then I remembered you weren't here any more. :( I can't wait to see you in April!