
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Loud and Clear

Read through all of this- there is pretty exciting news...
Don't you just love knowing you are exactly where God wants you to be?!
I promised weeks ago that I would recap how loud and clear God was about our move, and He has gotten louder and cleared now that we are here so I guess I better share now. :)
In September we began looking for a new job. Any job, anywhere. Mr. Incredible worked for a wonderful company, but wasn't enjoying it. Working behind a desk is certainly not enjoyable for him.
We had offers all over the country and were praying for where we should go.
Then Mr. Incredible got info on a job in West Texas. He gave the ok for his resume to be submitted on Monday. Tuesday they already called to set up an interview. That next week we went for the interview. We arrived on Sunday and went to dinner with someone from the company. We hit it off right away, and we discussed their church. The youth group, the possibility of an adoption ministry we could start, etc. Could this be a fit for us? The day after the interview they offered us the job.
God was loud and clear! We were moving!
We have been here a week, and it has been very clear we are supposed to be here. Mr. Incredible LOVES his job! He comes home everyday for lunch which we are ecstatic about! Seeing Daddy midday is awesome! Sunday we visited our friend's church and we think it is a fit!
We are living in a hotel and after about a day I was done. Imagine staying in a hotel bed with your 2 year old and dog. Yeah, we need a house.
Since we still have our old house, paying for a second home could be really costly. We looked anyway with hopes God would be loud and clear. Well, we found a home on Saturday that is very affordable- like the monthly payments are less than a car note or than rent for an apartment. We put in an offer and they accepted it on Monday! Loud and clear. We are hoping to move in asap- close date is a month away, but we hope to move in sooner than that!
Now for the really exciting part...
We were planning on starting our second adoption once we got settled here. We were planning on an international adoption this time around. For the last few months I had made inquiries with many different agencies and doors continued to close. I was getting tired and anxious waiting for God to be loud and clear. Yesterday we looked into domestic adoption locally and I had a hard time finding an agency. Finally I found a local agency and submitted a request, and Monday morning we got a response!
We are starting an adoption of another little girl! Loud and clear!
We love our new lives in our new tiny town, and can't wait to see what else is in store! :)


  1. I'm so excited and happy for y'all! Don't you just love when God puts it out there for you :) Best of luck with everything. Lots of prayers for all your new changes!

  2. Tricia You guys are so amazing!! I am so proud that I got to meet you!
