
Monday, January 2, 2012

MTCM: Seeing Results

14 weeks: almost 25lbs

I meant to post this last week but forgot.

Remember this post from back in November?

I could fit into a 6, but wasn't a true 6 yet.

Well, right before Christmas I went shopping for jeans- my size 10s were barely hanging on, I couldn't wait any longer. I went to Burlington Coat Factory and grabbed about 10 different brands of jeans, all size 8. I also grabbed a few 6s in the thought that if the 8s had fit nicely, then I would buy the same pair in a 6 for when I got to that size.

Imagine my excitement when I  found out all the 8s were too big- I'm a 6 y'all!

In the post mentioned earlier I said that I assumed I'd be a 6 at the end of my journey, maybe fitting into an occasional 4. Seeing as I have a little more than 20 pounds still left to lose, I think it's safe to say I'll be a 4 in the end, maybe fitting into an occasional 2. I'm ecstatic!

Something even better than my pant size occurred around the same time. I had some blood work done. When I was 18 I was in pretty bad health- borderline diabetes, cholesterol level of 280, etc.  I have not taken medication or precautions for those issues in 7 years, so as I sat in the drs office awaiting my results, you can imagine my worry.  She came in and said I was in pretty good health. I was  surprised when she  said my sugars were perfect. Seriously, perfect? Yep! :) My cholesterol is slightly high,  but no where near the 280 it was 7 years prior, (she's not  even worried about the # and just  prescribed fish oil instead of prescription meds!).

Lower weight, smaller pant size and good blood results, what better way to start 2012!?

Seeing as it's the 2nd day of 2012, wouldn't it be a perfect time to join me on this journey?  It has only taken me 14 weeks to lose 25 pounds and to get in better shape/health.

I just glanced at  the calendar and if I counted correctly, 14  weeks from now is April. How awesome would it be if you could possibly drop 25lbs by April?!


  1. way to go on the size 6! Your an inspiration to many, I'm sure of it! I love how you encourage others to join you as well. Keep it going girl! Proud of you!

  2. That is so exciting! Congratulations on your weight loss!

  3. Congrats! That is so exciting...I'm really proud of you for sticking to it! It's not easy and so many people quit. Just goes to show how strong you are :)

  4. Praise God! You're doing great! Can't join you on this one seeing that I'm 15 wks pregnant!

    After June, I plan to jump back into the weight loss mission!

    As for now, I'm enjoying the pregnancy excuse. LOL!
