
Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Outing

We've been in our new town for almost a month now. I had not left the hotel without Mr. Incredible until yesterday.
This is the first time in my life I have lived somewhere other than the town I grew up in. Navigating a new area was a little stressful, but I know it will not take long until this place becomes second nature as well. I know once we move into our house it will get even easier, and more like home.
Enjoy some pics of Sweetpea modeling before our outing yesterday:

Sweetpea pointing out her new penguin hat :)

We had a lot of Gymbucks, (thanks Nana Nell!). Among other outfits, we got her this hat and jacket. :)

While shopping, we found these ballerina princesses on sale- 3 for $15! Who could pass up that? Not to mention that these are 3 out 4 of our favorite princesses!

1 comment:

  1. Annie is precious! I can't wait to see your new town and home!
