
Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Man and The Mouse

I have always loved Disney. Every since I was a little girl. Until the day I die.
I have always loved the princesses! Recently, as you all know, I have fallen in love with the mouse/mice that started it all.
Walt Disney's story is a story I recently became familiar with. It made me love him more! Over Christmas I was at the inlaws and got to watch a special on Walt.
I can't remember the details off hand, but he sure fought. He was taken advantage of with his original creation, Oswald, a rabbit. He went into bankruptcy more than once to bring us Mickey and Snow White, and finally Sleeping Beauty actually saved Disney! He is the epitomy of the Cinderella story, (pun intended).
(I love this quote- sure makes you think of Romans 8:28) :)
When he married his wife he wanted children right away, she did not. By the time she wanted kids they had a few miscarriages and decided to adopt. They went on to adopt 2 girls. :) I loved seeing his deep love for children before the adoption and of course after. :) Oh, and he built Disneyland because of his girls. :)
Here is a sneak peek pic of our new kitchen. The checker board floor again. :) I actually dig the colors of this kitchen. When we sell it we will repaint the cabinets, but for now, I am embracing them. :) (yes, this is still their stuff, we have not moved in yet) :/
Blogger has made this post almost impossible! I don't know what it is doing. Anyway, here is the fabric I just bought from etsy, (store: SmileStars). I had planned on keeping the room black and white and accenting it all with pink. Then I saw this fabric! PERFECT! A little bit of Disney in my kitchen. Oh yeah!


  1. Super cute! I love the fabric on Etsy! I'm super excited for the new house. I would be so overwhelmed with the checker floor but I'm sure you are going to make it look awesome!!!!
