
Monday, February 6, 2012

MTCM: Paused

I don't know if y'all noticed, but I have paused my journey. Yes, paused.

Living in a hotel, without a stove, oven, etc kinda makes it hard to eat healthy. Also, I am stuck in bed all day. Literally. I CANNOT wait to get into our house so I can return to my normal work out schedule and recommence my good eating habits.

I am not discouraged, but I am a little bummed. I have put on a few pounds, but I have no doubt that I will lose them and lose the rest to reach my goal. That's why it is on pause, I have NOT quit. :) I was supposed to reach my goal by March, now it will be around April/May. Still not bad. :)

How are you doing on your journey? DON'T GIVE UP!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait till you are in your house also! You can do it girl! Our thoughts are very strong so the fact that you know you can continue your journey is awesome!

    Love you!
