
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snowy Sunday, Sweetpea Still Sick

I cannot tell you how special snow is to me! I guess I can show you a bit, here, here, and here. It is down right magical, and I always see it as a gift from God.
This also happened to be Sweetpea's first snow experience! I could burst with joy!
Obviously Sweetpea's sickness at the moment would not stop us from enjoying the snow! We bundled her up, and she had a blast!
Snow has healing powers of sorts, she light up more than she had in days! She is back to sleeping and feeling badly, but she had a good sicky recess in the snow! :)
Kissy lips. :) Notice the plants- snowing in the desert :)
Mama with her babies :) When Mr. Incredible took this he proclaimed he would make this his profile pic on facebook. :) Warms my heart- his love for us. :)
Ignore my lovely eyes, no sleep for this mama with a sick baby!

notice the snow falling? and her sock gloves? lol (I couldn't find her actual gloves in enough time so I improvised) :)

She was saying, "COOOLD!"

She was having a blast! What did I tell you about those healing powers? ;)

Everytime it snows, I write the year on the windshield, (now that we live in an area where it regularly snows, I will have to start dating it further) :)

Oh, be still my heart!
See the snow falling?
Sweet angel

Our "home" for the last month. You can kinda see the snow falling...
My van... like the decals I made? :)
Out of our windows...the snow is thicker now :)

A quick shot of our little town :)