
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sweetpea is Stronger than Spina Bifida

Sweetpea asks often to "stand up." She is getting so strong. Being stuck in a hotel hasn't allowed for much strength training for either of us. Well, that won't stop Sweetpea:
I'm not ok with yoga, but doesn't it look like that is what she is doing in all these pics? lol
On her knees!! oh, and have you seen anything sweeter than this night gown? I will be buying her more, I'm in love! Thanks, Nana Nell!
up she goes...
And she's up! I was so proud!!
Here is a video of her doing it. Much more exciting than the pics!
I am sending this to her former PT... Melanie- can you believe this?! I'm so proud! lol Do you think she can hurt herself doing this? (notice, her knees don't hyper extend for the most part)...

I had to cut the video to get it to post, (been trying to post for the last 3 hours). :) here you will see her pushing up and comoing back down quickly, but she would hold the push up position for a significant amount of time. We were quite proud. :)