Friday, February 3, 2012

Voice of the Orphan

My first passion is to see people come to know Jesus as their Savior. You see, we are all sinners, (Romans 3:23), and the wages of sin is death, (Romans 6:23). There is NOTHING good you can do to earn salvation, (no amount of living a "good life" is gonna get you to heaven Eph 2:8-9). Jesus' death on the cross and His Resurrection on Sunday is our only hope for heaven!
Now, today I am not talking about that passion. I am talking about the passion that He gave me for the orphan. Adoption was always part of our plan for our family, but God had even bigger plans. Check out how He used a youth summer camp to change our lives forever, (we were adults helping at the camp).
We have one baby home, one more soon to come home, (Lord willing), and open to as many more as He wants us to have!
That is not enough. There are so many orphans that I will never get to adopt, and there are some that can't be adopted. So, what is there to do?
God put it on my heart some time ago- AFRICA. I have much more to share on where He has called me, but that is for another day and time, (it is a lifelong call and it is not quite the time).
There is another thing we can do, NOW. SUPPORT! For Christmas, all the gifts I bought supported orphans or adoption, (I need to post all the places I shopped. For now go to and search adoption fundraiser. That's a good place to start). :) We can raise money and give to a friend that is adopting, etc.
There is a blog I have been reading for awhile now, A Place Called Simplicity. (I tried to link it, but blogger won't let me, so check her out on my link list). :) I so wish I knew her in real life! :) lol Seriously Linny, if you wouldn't find me insane, I would love to trek out to AZ to meet y'all, pick your brain, hang out, etc. :)
Linny and her amazing family have started a new ministry... once again it is not letting link. ugh! Search International Voice of the Orphan, or go to her page and follow her link. I am very excited to share this ministry and see how God uses it! Of course, I am also excited to partner with it in any ways that I can! :)
Even if you do not feel called to adopt, every Christian is called to help the orphan! International Voice for the Orphan will help you find ways to care for orphans in all ways- through adoption, through donation, through prayer, etc. CHECK IT OUT!

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