
Friday, March 9, 2012

For the love of Bristol and Minnie

{Dining Room, done! Hallway just needs to be touched up today! pics soon!}
All day Tuesday Sweetpea would say, "Bristol." That evening I was talking to her about her baby sister. How she could hold her, feed her, share her toys etc. Sweetpea kept saying, "hold baby. feed baby. Bristol. Sister." Be still my heart! Bristol, our Briar Rose, we can't wait to have you here!
Thursday morning, while we ate I switched on the tv. I flipped through the channels and stopped on 16 and pregnant just because nothing else was on. Sweetpea immediately lit up at the sight of the newborn. She kept pointing and saying, "baby," over and over. Then the baby started crying and Sweetpea said in a pathetic voice, "ky-ing," over and over. She then proceeded to cuddle her Minnie as if she was a baby. :) Someone is ready to be a big sister! (Sweetpea is not allowed to watch TV, being in a hotel has forced her to watch a little lol).
See her little Minnie? I needed to get her one that I felt comfortable allowing her to sleep with. She loves this Minnie and has her with her all day! Also when we bought her the Minnie, we found this awesome hat!! Oh, remember these pajamas*? Well, I am wearing them right now and Sweetpea keeps pointing to them saying, "so cute! pajamas, Minnie Mouse" hehe She sure loves Minnie!
Oh, this pic is from the day that I did her pom poms a second time, (I remember because of her outfit), lol. Earlier that day, (before we bought these Minnies), a lady commented on her Minnie Mouse ears, (her pom poms). Since she loves Minnie we smiled- but was I supposed to be offended? lol I don't think the lady meant anything rude by it, she was very nice and loved Sweetpea.
*my pajamas are from Target and worth every penny! You should get some for yourself! :) I am not a long sleeve pj person, but these are so so comfy!

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