
Monday, March 12, 2012

Living Room Sneak Peek

First off, in response to the pink in the kitchen, (and the additional pink you are about to see)...
I am very blessed by my husband in so many ways. One way is that he is all that is man. There is not a feminine bone in his body. One special thing about his masculinity is his love for his daughter. I always thought he would want a son, but years ago I discovered if he had a choice, he would want a girl first.
I am the decorator in the family. Thankfully Mr. Incredible lets me run free with the decorating. He has no problem with the colors, not even the pinks. To him, the house is my domain where as he has his shop. No pink allowed in his shop. ;)
Secure in his masculinity enough to allow his wife and his daughters to be as girly as we want! :) Thanks Babe!
I painted the living room today because my peel and stick wallpaper came in sooner than I expected, (it will get its own post soon). I thought the wallpaper was pink and it came out red! BOO! I was going to return it, but I have decided to just paint over the red with pink. The color scheme of the living room will be purple, blue and pink. I am ecstatic about this room! So many people have pinned gray rooms on pinterest, and I didn't see the draw- until I painted with it. I love it!
Tomorrow I will paint the red pink and finish painting the kitchen. Tuesday the movers come and then the real fun begins! lol


  1. I kinda like the red with the gray. Pink would be super cute! Love the colors!

  2. Red, Black and White with walls painted grey is what we have in our room. When we move to the basement (after it is finished this summer) I am painting the walls peacockish green to go with the red, black and white.

  3. Cute! Are you doing the whole wall or just that block? Either way it looks great! You're very luck, James would not be down with those colors :)
