
Friday, March 23, 2012

Our Wish Come True

The day we moved into our house, (which happened to be the day before we headed to the hospital), Sweetpea, Bolt and I spent the afternoon hanging out in our front yard. After being cooped up in a hotel for 2 months, we missed the outdoors! I never thought I could be content just sitting on concrete for over 4 hours, but I loved every minute of it. We had a picnic, listened to some music, took some pics and just hung out. It was awesome! Sweetpea was introduced to the wonder that is Dandelions, (and once again this mama could not decide which edit she liked better, so there are few duplicates lol)...

Bolt and baby Tiana kept us company :)

Action shot
She blew it herself- notice the dandelions cascading down her arm...

Action shot, I promise this face was in the action of smiling at the action of dandelions flying at her ;)
Another action shot, see the dandelions? :)
In our front yard, we have THE BEST photo-op tree ever! You will be seeing much of it in the years to come! :)


  1. Love the photos! Annie is adorable!

  2. It is so nice to be able to enjoy God's creations! We've been going outside a lot also :)

  3. She's so precious!
