
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rough Day for Mommy

Sweetpea obviously didn't have the best day, but today was really crummy for mommy. She didn't even have a surgery or anything.

I can't even begin to describe the drama of today.

One part is that Sweetpea has not been able to eat or drink since 8 on Friday evening. She has been begging for food/milk. Today after her mri she actually yelled at me out of hunger. My sweetest little girl, who rarely even fusses to get her way yelled at me! Ripped my heart out.

She was finally given the ok to eat about an hour ago and she is so much happier.

We are pretty much hanging at the hospital until Monday, then we should know more.

Her brain situation is pretty complicated, (so says the neurosurgeon team), so pray that the plan of action is clear on Monday!

I'm heading off to bed once Sweetpea is done eating, I need sleep, I'm feeling the stress today-migraine setting in.

(Sweetpea was playing with my camera today and shot this pic without my knowledge. I look like garbage, but I think she caught the essence of me today)

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