
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Silver in Her Hair

Yesterday, (well everyday we can), Sweetpea and I played in the dandelions. I love when a few "wishes" get caught in her hair. :)

I was born blonde, and stayed blonde until my teen years, and then I started to highlight it. My hair is now brown, and if you look closely, you will see natural blonde highlights. Now, I said closely! :)

I miss my blonde hair at times, (Mr. Incredible REALLY misses it), but with babies starving to death in Africa, it is one thing I can most definitely do without!

In my family, the ladies start to go gray early, (like 18). That's on my mother's side, (my mom started to get grays at 18 and I believe my sis, who greatly favored my mom genetically, did too-what about you taylor?). I tend to favor my dad's side, and so I assumed that was why I hadn't found grays yet. My other assumption was that since I was the only one born blonde, maybe that had something to do with it.

If your haven't guessed already, last night I found one gray hair! It wasn't that it turned gray, it was a new growth- kinda had a mind of its own and stuck almost straight up! Lol

Mr. Incredible has a handful of grays, (he's 31), and in an annoyed voice said, "its just your blonde hair!" He was annoyed that I was young and had no grays. Well, I searched my hair for a light light strand of blonde and yanked it for comparison. There was no mistaking it now, I had found a gray hair.

Mr. Incredible is an information junkie and began researching about gray hair, (he researches everything that peeks his interest- I said information junkie!). He found an article about how much if spent over a lifetime coloring hair and he was shocked. I asked, "aren't you glad I stopped coloring mine?" Yeah, I think the great blonde hair debate is officially over at our house! Like I said there are people starving to death in Africa! Just take the money you would spend at the salon and send it there- it would make a huge difference! Like huge huge!

So, I made it to 25 and a half without one single gray. I searched for more last night, and so far that is the only one. I know many gorgeous women that don't cover their grays and look beautiful. I will be following in their footsteps. The only question is is when? Will I go significantly gray by the time I'm 30 like on my mother's side, or will I continue to sprout random grays here and there for years to come? We'll see!

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