
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bucket List

I found a new blog yesterday, but I must warn you that if you go there, you will cry your eyes out! Avery is almost 5 months old and has been recently, (like Friday), been diagnosed with an incurable, deadly disease, SMA. She is almost 5 months, and will die within the next 18 months.

On their blog, the have a bucket list for her. Some of the stuff is less depressing than you think. Stuff like, graduate, get married, etc, is obvious and less painful to think about. The stuff that ripped my heart out and sent me into sobs were things like, "give mommy and daddy eskimo and butterfly kisses." Sweetpea lavishes me everyday with both eskimo and butterfly kisses. The thought of her not being able to do that...

Join me in praying for this family and show them some love!

While reading the list, there were things that I want to make sure to do with Sweetpea while she's still this age. I refuse to call it her bucket list, so I'm calling it Annie's Aspirations. Some goals to accomplish over the next year or so. I just came up with it last night, so I'll be adding more later.

Some things I was already planning to do, but adding them to the list will help me not to forget.

Annie's Aspirations 2012-2013

1. Starting on her 3rd birthday take one picture for everyday of the year, (pretty much do this already, but I want to be sure to do it).

2. Take her to get a mani/pedi at a salon! (she LOVES getting get nails done!)

3. After a second day at the salon, get matching (fancy) manicures and do a photo shoot of our hands showing skin contrast, (something I love!).

4. Paint a picture by herself

5. Paint a picture using her hand/feet prints

6. Dress up clothes photoshoot (was already planning) :)

7. Dress up in mommy's wedding dress photo shoot

8. Do a fancy (or at least deliberate) photo shoot once a month

9. Go to the store and pick out flowers for those photo shoots, (I never want store bought flowers, but she loves flowers so why not)

10. Press/dry one from each bouquet to make something from them

11. Princess day

12. Mickey/Minnie day

13. Tea party(ies) with Daddy

14. Date with Daddy

15. Use our camcorder, (not just the video option on my camera)

16. Disney World (already planning 2012)

16.2. At Disney bring her Minnie costume and all 4 of her princess costumes. Put her in them so she'll match the character when she meets them- take pic! Lol

17. Boston (already planning for 2013- and after Briar Rose comes) :)

18. Phoenix to meet Linny and fam :)

19. Go to a homecoming football game and wear a mum! :)

(a commentor added this one to Avery's list and I liked it)

20. petting zoo


What else? When we get internet again, I will peruse my pinterest boards to see things I really want to do (and make an Annie's Aspirations board!). :)

Here are a handful of pics from Sweetpea over the lay few days..

1. Sweetpea sleeping with Tiana

2. & 6. Sweetpea wearing Mommy's coat, (it gets cold at night in the desert and luckily I had this in the car one night lol)

3. Sweetpea trying on shoes, (she immediately exclaimed "take a picture")

4. yesterday we buckled Tiana up with Sweetpea in her stroller

5. Notice the flower sticking out the side of her stroller? She always asks me to pick her some flowers during our walks. :)

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