
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Disney On Ice 2012

Please view yesterday's post, help me get the word out and enter my giveaway!  My post had almost 60 views yesterday, (and that is seperate from the almost 300 blog views from that day), and not one.single.comment. ENTER THE GIVEAWAY, y'all!  Free gift just in time for mother's day!  Who doesn't like free?!
UGH! I tried to give the new Blogger another shot, but no, it failed me again! NOT HAPPY!  Next month when we get internet again, I will try again. Oh, and my Blogger Ap still won't let me post anything. GRRR.  Sersiouly, faithful since Dec 07. ugh.


Ok, Now to my real post for the day. It will not be as nice, (or really in order), as I would have liked since Blogger has decided to boil my blood, but oh well....

We traveled back to Houston two weeks ago to visit my mom and sister...

I give you the cutest froyo mustache known to man! ;)


When she sees these pics, she exclaims, "Princess!" Yes, my darling, you sure are a princess!

Not the best of yours truly, but keep in mind that I had just spent 2 whole months in a hotel room- and bed!  We literally only left at night to get food, (and most nights Mr. Incredible brought us food).  Between ZERO exercise and eating fast food three times a day... well you get the picture! Oh well, I was still ecstatic to be here, for Sweetpea and myself.  I cannot tell a lie. I am obsessed with Disney Princesses, and well Disney as a whole.  Always have been, always will be.
This is the opening number- you know, the one where I burst into tears. Sweetpea danced and sang the whole time!  She had a blast!!

Man, that flash did me no favors! lol  My sis, Auntay.  Her eyes totally look like mine in this pic! We were all a little weirded out by this at the time! lol
Standing during intermission.  Yes, my face is silly, oh well! :)

She insisted on standing in the second act. :)

ALL of the princesses/princes came out in the end. Yeah, my Disney Geek totally showed at this moment, and I totally got teary eyed here... and not because of Sweetpea.  Beacuse I am a huge, unashamed, Disney Nerd!

Despite Blogger, let me say that DISNEY ON ICE was amazing and worth every penny!  Mr. Incredible was sad he couldn't go, but we vowed to take our princesses every year, as long as they want to go! :) 

Thanks Nana Nell for treating us to this memorable event and of course all the goodies you got us  there, (and Sweetpea's "shopping spree" at the Disney store).  You made your Disney loving daughter and grandaughter very happy! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this...
    She looks so so happy!!!
    I remember when Disney on ice came to Portland and our daughter Laura was called down on the ice to ride in Cinderella's carriage...she absolutely couldn't believe it. :)

    We're hoping (Lord willing) to make a grandma-sponsored-trip to Disneyland in May (the first time for all our kiddos :)

    I'll think of you when I'm hugging princess after princess. Lydi's favorite is Belle.
