
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pray for Oscar DeLaCruz

Whenever we see blogs with sick kids we flock to read their stories and pray. Guilty as charged.

Well, whenever someone follows my blog I make it a point to start reading theirs. Its more fun that way and I have made some pretty good blogging friendships that way! :)

Recently one of these blogging buddies had been going through some really hard stuff. Her husband of 5 years, (just like Mr. Incredible and me), has just been diagnosed a rare form of cancer! A few weeks ago they did surgery, pretty invasive, and now they are weighing treatment options.

Please go visit their blog and join me in praying for them:

I know a lot of you readers are in the same cohort as this family. Young, married, with young kids. How would you feel if this was the love of your life, the father of your children?

Crying yet? Me too! Let's pray for them and show them some love!

Brandi, if I hadn't just left your area and moved to West Texas, I would so visit y'all at the hospital or home. I'd visit and help with the kids, whatever y'all needed! Please let me know if there is anything I can do, and next time we come to town I'll let you know and maybe I can stop by and at least hug your neck and pray for y'all in person. Sweetpea is getting pretty good at praying, I'm sure she'd love to join in too! :) Love and prayers to y'all from the Keierlebers!

1 comment:

  1. For some odd reason this post just popped up on my Home page of blog. And I must say it made me smile. You have no idea how much this means to me. I would love a hug from you and sweetpea one day!! Its almost been a month since Oscars surgery and we have gotten the news that it has spread to the soft tissue and he will be starting chemo and radiation next week or the following but we will get through it somehow with friends like you and tons of prayers we are thankful and gives us strength! Thank you again for this post, it truly means so much to me and my family. Hugs
