
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

YOU can help! is a brand new website, (launched last night-do be sure to check back often to see new stuff), where crafters can donate items to be sold, and 100% if the profits feed orphans on the streets! Its a win win! You get to buy fun homemade goodies and an orphan gets to eat! Also, I know many crafters out there, so visit the site and see how you can donate- once we settle in the house I'll be donating!

Maybe you could even have a crafting party and then donate what was made! Hint hint CCBC! :) (And Paige- we could collaborate this summer not just for your wedding but this too)!

Attn: Elise, Brooke, Paige, and any of my crafting friends! This is an easy and fun way to be obedient to James 1:27! I know y'all have talent- share it!

There is a blanket I really really really want for Briar Rose's room. Its a yellow quilt. Part of me doesn't want to share this site because I do not want someone else to buy it! Lol So don't buy that! ...unless you want to buy it as a gift for Briar Rose! ;) Lol

Go check out the site, get your shop on, start crafting, and FEED ORPHANS!

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