
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Baby's First Booboo

Yesterday Sweetpea awoke with a random scab on her arm. I was surprised that I had never seen it.

This was Sweetpea's first official booboo. She's had many stitches from surgery, but this is her first random booboo. I know once she starts walking there will be many more! Lol

I think it was a bug bite she scratched.

I wiped it down with a wet wipe and put a band aid on it- cue freak out!

I immediately took off the band aid and Sweetpea wanted me to get the scab off her arm too. Um, that's a wee bit impossible.

I put a wet wipe on it and that calmed her. After 20 minutes of this I was at my wits end. I made her hold it so I could get ready. We were going to Walmart. Y'all, she held it there like it was holding her arm on! Ha!

We get to Walmart and I head straight for the band aid section. Mickey to the rescue! Thankfully she liked the Mickey band aids!

Yes, Spoiled Sweetpea- about 30 minutes of doting and a trip to Walmart for special band aids- over a bug bite scratch. Its good to be Sweetpea. ;) (oh yeah, and a Walmart  employee noticed her band aid and grabbed her a cookie from the bakery. Yeah, what is she going to expect when she gets a real owie!?). Lol

1 comment:

  1. Poor SweetPea. This makes me want to have some cute band aids in stock just in case. Glad Mickey came to the rescue! The Shondelmyer family misses y'all!
