
Friday, May 11, 2012

Baby Talk

1. My nephypoo Nathan turned a year old today! I wish I was going to be there to celebrate! Happy birthday Nater Tot!

2. I weighed Sweetpea last night and she weighs 23.6lbs! She has gained 2lbs in 2 months! She also turned 29mths yesterday! Just to give you an idea- the average weight of a one year old is about 20lbs, and it took Sweetpea almost a year and a half to gain 4lbs. SO, 2lbs is 2 months is huge! :)

3. Sweetpea has pretty much mastered the alphabet! A year ago she'd say it with me which was impressive. She took a break for whatever reason, but recently started again. All by herself she'll recite the whole thing.

4. I'm starting to miss Briar Rose. The year we got Sweetpea, God taught me too enjoy everyday and not wish it away for the future. Thankfully the lesson took, and I've been able to enjoy everyday as a blessing. In the past I yearned for our future babies. It down right hurt. Now though, I think about the future but it doesn't take away from today. I am starting to miss her though. Not yearn for her like last time, but I am starting to miss her. Its because as early add next month we could meet her. :) I'm trying to enjoy these last few weeks/months where its just Sweetpea. :) AND I get to decorate a whole house is 10 days! :) That'll give me something to focus on for sure! :) The yellow fabric below is for the girls' curtains, and the other fabric is for our living room/kitchen. :)

1 comment:

  1. Nater Tot says "Hi Auntie Tricia!". Ok, so jealous about the yellow chevron. is it from Etsy? Please let me know I must have some!!!
